Photos by Gergő Gosztom

Salve Brand Identity

Firm LocationBudapest, Hungary
CompanyNew Void
Lead DesignerTamás Kósa
Design TeamDániel Győri, Gabriella Tóth, Dalma Jónás

Salve is a Budapest-based chain of Italian restaurants serving Neapolitan-style pizzas and other Italian delicacies. Inspired by Bruno Munari’s 1958 book “Speak Italian: The Fine Art of the Gesture”, New Void’s design team led by art director Tamás Kósa created a jovial visual identity to help them stand out in an increasingly crowded market. Built upon a foundation of characterful typography and mouth-watering photography, the identity references the original gestures from the book to create a light-hearted and unique impression that embraces and celebrates the Italian way of living.
