Ulysse Lemerise (OSA)

NEUF50 Event

Firm LocationMontreal, Canada
CompanyNEUF architect(e)s
Lead DesignerAnnabelle Beauchamp
Design TeamAnnabelle Beauchamp: Direction; Charlotte Lheureux: Research; Annabelle Beauchamp + Ariane Boulanger-Desmarais + André Moscatelli Gomes Da Silva: Graphic Design; Event committee: Carlo Tadeo, Mailie Bélisle, Claudine Gagnon, Hugo Gagnon; Communications: Anaïs Durand
ClientNEUF architect(e)s

For its 50th anniversary, NEUF held a special gathering of Quebec’s real estate industry, friends and family. The event was filled with testimonials, reunions, and the unveiling of a retrospective publication. The logo was turned into vinyl adhesives, postcards were scattered across the room, and employees wore a special company pin. Lighting design and custom crafted drinks were both based on the firm’s two official colours: Pantone 485C red and Pantone 3125C blue. In sum, from tote bags to a 1.5m x1.5m wooden logo and numerous videos and projections, everything was NEUF!
